When you get into an automobile accident, it is not uncommon for you to not even be aware of some of your injuries right away. This is especially true if the injuries are internal injuries to your joints or muscles—without any external indicators such as bleeding or bruising, you may not know you have been injured for quite some time.
Making matters even worse is the “high” you will experience from adrenaline immediately after the accident. The chemicals surging through your body as a result of the traumatic experience can often act as a masking agent, preventing you from feeling any pain or soreness.
Given the knowledge that waiting too long before seeking treatment can result in even greater injury to you—not to mention more difficulty in recovering your medical expenses from the insurance company—when should you find a car accident chiropractor in Glendale?
In short, the answer is: As soon as you can. Waiting will only delay your outset on the journey to healing, and can result in greater issues for you down the road.
Visit a Whiplash Chiropractor in Glendale Right Away
If you have been in a car accident, there’s a good chance that you have suffered some form of whiplash. This is true even if the accident occurred at relatively low speeds, and even if you don’t immediately detect any pain or discomfort.
The system of bones, joints, and connective tissues in the neck is highly complex. As such, even a slight injury can create a cascading domino effect that ends up causing you significant discomfort. The best thing you can do is visit an established and reputable chiropractic office as soon as you can do so.
Getting Help with the Legal Side of Your Accident
Sadly, we live in a society where you must take into consideration more than the simple question of whether you are experiencing pain or not. The fact of the matter is, if you were injured in a car accident, you must consider ways to strengthen your case against the insurance company.
If you wait too long after you were injured in a car accident to get chiropractic help, you may find that the insurance company is hesitant to write a check when it comes time to pay the bill. It is not unheard of for insurance companies to claim that you were injured in a subsequent event (as opposed to the accident itself) when you do not immediately seek out attention.
To further complicate things, if your joint or soft tissue injury ends up requiring intensive physical therapy, failing to promptly seek out chiropractic care can impact the insurance company’s willingness to help cover that, too.
In contrast, when you visit us immediately after an accident, we can help document the nature and extent of your injuries, as well as the likely cause of the same. This can be an invaluable tool for you to use when you turn to the insurance company for compensation.
Let Us Help You Today!
We have been practicing chiropractic medicine for a long time, and we are very good at what we do. If you have been in an automobile accident, let us help you get started on the road to recovery.
Pick up the phone and give us a call. We are happy to thoroughly analyze you and help alert you to any potential injuries that you may have suffered in the incident. We can set out a course of treatment that will help speed your recovery and get you back to feeling like your old self.
We are here to help you, and we look forward to working with you!